City of Cambridge – Development Charge Exemptions
1. The City of Cambridge Development Charge By-law also provides Development Charge Exemptions for various types of properties located citywide.
2. Development Charges are fees which may be collected to help offset primarily capital costs incurred when providing the necessary infrastructure to serve projects. These may include Core Areas new development, redevelopment, renovations and/or additions to existing properties.
Comments on Funding:
The City of Cambridge Development Charge By-law also provides Development Charge Exemptions for various types of properties located citywide, including:
- Industrial buildings may receive a reduction of up to 50% of the development charges payable for additions;
- Contaminated sites, which require remediation, may credit an amount against the development charge otherwise payable equal to the amount of the costs to clean-up the site;
- Designated sites, under the Ontario Heritage Act, may be exempt from development charges payable for redevelopment or additions provided the designated building is retained and is an integral part of the development;
- Land subject to development charges with existing well and/or septic services may receive a development charge credit for water and/or waste water;
- Proposed new buildings for the purposes of farming may not require development charges.
Applicants must be property owners of:
Other Things To Note:
Call the Development Charges Coordinator at (519) 621-0740 Ext. 4271 for more information.

Program Contact:
When It Ends:
Rolling deadline