Environment and Climate Change Canada Funding Guide for Business Owners

This guide for business owners covers current Environment and Climate Change Canada funding programs, including contributions, and other types of financing for entrepreneurs.

This is our dedicated “hub” page for Environment and Climate Change Canada funding programs. We’ll continuously update this page to reflect changes in programs – so bookmark this page and check back often for updates!

Environment and Climate Change Canada Mandate

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) supports the sector from the farmer to the consumer, from the farm to global markets, through all phases of producing, processing and marketing of farm, food and agri-based products. Agriculture is a shared jurisdiction in Canada, and the Department works closely with provincial and territorial governments in the development and delivery of policies, programs and services.

The Department is responsible for ensuring collaboration with its portfolio partners and agencies which are also involved in regulating and supporting Canadian agriculture, including the Farm Products Council of Canada.

AAFC’s vision is: Driving innovation and ingenuity to build a world leading agricultural and food economy for the benefit of all Canadians.

The Department’s mission is to provide leadership in the growth and development of a competitive, innovative and sustainable Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector.

Environment and Climate Change Canada Priorities

Building Canada’s resilience to a changing climate continues to be a key priority for the Government of Canada. Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is the lead federal department for strategic action on a wide range of environmental matters.

The Department’s core responsibilities include:

  • Taking action on clean growth and climate change,
  • Preventing and managing pollution,
  • Conserving nature, and
  • Predicting weather and environmental conditions.

You can learn about Environment and Climate Change Canada priorities by reading its 2022-2023 Departmental Plan.

Types of Funding Environment and Climate Change Canada Offers

Environment and Climate Change Canada offers contributions, grants and more.

Environment and Climate Change Canada Contact

Environment and Climate Change Canada Public Inquiries Centre:

Fontaine Building 12th floor
200 Sacré-Coeur Blvd
Gatineau QC  K1A 0H3

Toll-free: 1-800-668-6767
Email: enviroinfo@ec.gc.ca

Click here for the complete list of Environment and Climate Change Canada contact details.

Environment and Climate Change Canada Social Media:



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