Ajax Business Funding: Guide for Business Owners
This guide for business owners covers current Town of Ajax funding programs, including grants, rebates and other types of financing for entrepreneurs.
This is our dedicated “hub” page for Town of Ajax funding programs. We’ll continuously update this page to reflect changes in programs – so bookmark this page and check back often for updates!
Town of Ajax Mandate
The Town of Ajax’s strategic direction is Stronger Together. Ajax will strive to be LEADERS in all that they do; and foster a vibrant, innovative and connected COMMUNITY by:
- Creating a more engaged community;
- Providing excellence in customer service;
- Fostering a sense of place and celebrating our history;
- Creating opportunities to foster a welcoming and inclusive community;
- Promoting a range of programs, services, and supports for all ages and abilities;
- Leveraging our arts and tourism opportunities; and,
- Enhancing connections to get people moving.
Town of Ajax Priorities
You can learn about Town of Ajax’s priorities by reading its 2018-2022 Strategic Plan.
Types of Funding Town of Ajax Offers
The Town of Ajax offers financial incentives, including grants, rebates and more.
Town of Ajax Funding Programs
Below are links to the Town’s financial incentives:
- Municipal Property Acquisition, Investment and Partnership Program
- Rehabilitation Grant Program
- Planning and Development Fee Grant Program
- Development Charge Exemption Grant Program
- Reduced Parkland Dedication Requirements Program
- Exemption from Parking Requirements Program
- Façade Improvement Grant Program
- Sign Grant Program
- Redevelopment Tax Rebate Program
- Planning and Development Fees Rebate Program
- Development Charge Exemption Grant Program
Town of Ajax Contact
Ajax Town Hall:
65 Harwood Ave. S.
Ajax, Ontario
L1S 2H9
Phone: 905-683-4550
Auto Attendant: 905-619-2529
TTY: 1-866-460-4489