Town of Pelham Business Funding: Guide for Business Owners
This guide for business owners covers current Town of Pelham funding programs, including grants, loans, and other types of financing for entrepreneurs.
This is our dedicated “hub” page for Town of Pelham funding programs. We’ll continuously update this page to reflect changes in programs – so bookmark this page and check back often for updates!
Town of Pelham Mandate
The Town of Pelham’s vision is to be working together with the community to strengthen trust, enhance the quality of life and economic well-being for today and for the future. Pelham will demonstrate leadership and commitment through its values such as honesty, caring, respect, transparency, trustworthiness, and teamwork.
Town of Pelham Priorities
You can learn about Town of Pelham’s priorities by reading its 2019-2022 Strategic Plan.
Types of Funding Town of Pelham Offers
The Town of Pelham offers financial incentives, including grants, loans and more.
Town of Pelham Funding Programs
Below is the link to the Town’s financial incentives:
- Commercial Building Facade Improvement Grant Program (Town of Pelham and Niagara Region)
- Commercial Building Improvement Loan Program (Town of Pelham and Niagara Region)
- Revitalization Grant Program (Town of Pelham and Niagara Region)
- Planning Fees Grant Program
- Development Charge Exemption Program (Town of Pelham and Niagara Region):
- New commercial or mixed-use development – exemption
- Expansions to existing commercial and mixed use buildings – exemption
- Conversion of non-commercial space to commercial space- exemption
- Redevelopment of mixed-use buildings that creates additional commercial space – exemption
Town of Pelham Contact
Pelham Town Hall:
20 Pelham Town Square
P.O. Box 400 Fonthill ON L0S 1E0
Phone: 905-892-2607
Toll-Free: 1-866-271-0391
Fax: 1.866.670.4020