Thunder Bay Business Funding: Guide for Business Owners
This guide for business owners covers current City of Thunder Bay funding programs, including grants, loans, and other types of financing for entrepreneurs.
This is our dedicated “hub” page for City of Thunder Bay funding programs. We’ll continuously update this page to reflect changes in programs – so bookmark this page and check back often for updates!
City of Thunder Bay Mandate
The City of Thunder Bay’s vision is One City, Growing Together. Thunder Bay will foster an inclusive city focused on service excellence and partnerships to provide a high quality of life to its citizens. Thunder Bay embraces and celebrates its diversity as it makes its community a vibrant and dynamic place to grow.
City of Thunder Bay Priorities
The City of Thunder Bay’s priorities include:
You can learn about City of Thunder Bay’s priorities by reading its 2019-22 Strategic Plan: One City, Growing Together.
Types of Funding City of Thunder Bay Offers
The City of Thunder Bay offers financial incentives, including grants, loans and more.
City of Thunder Bay Funding Programs
Below are links to the City’s financial incentives:
City of Thunder Bay Contact
Thunder Bay City Hall:
500 Donald Street E, P.O. Box 800
Thunder Bay, ON P7C 5K4
Phone: (807) 625-2230
TTY: (807) 622-2225
Thunder Bay Community Economic Development Commission (CEDC)
PO Box 800
Suite 701, 34 Cumberland Street North
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada P7C 5K4
Tel: (807) 625-3960
Toll Free: 1-800-668-9360 (North America)
Fax: (807) 623-3962