City of Timmins Business Funding: Guide for Business Owners
This guide for business owners covers current City of Timmins funding programs, including grants, tax rebates and other types of financing for entrepreneurs.
This is our dedicated “hub” page for City of Timmins funding programs. We’ll continuously update this page to reflect changes in programs – so bookmark this page and check back often for updates!
City of Timmins Mandate
The City of Timmins’ vision is to be recognized as a growing, innovative, regional hub that is culturally and economically diverse and that offers a unique, northern quality of life. Timmins will promote a sustainable, diversified economy by enhancing community services and infrastructure, engaging people and celebrating Timmins as a great place to live, learn and play.
City of Timmins Priorities
You can learn about City of Timmins’ priorities by reading its Timmins 2020: A Community Strategic Action Plan.
Types of Funding City of Timmins Offers
The City of Timmins offers financial incentives, including grants, tax rebates, and more.
City of Timmins Funding Programs
Below are the links to the City’s financial incentives:
- Building Improvement Grant
- Façade Improvement Grant
- Municipal Fee Rebate Grant
- Public Art Grant
- Safety Improvement Grant
- Sidewalk Patio Grant
- Tax Increment Rebate Grant
- Tax Increment Rebate Grant
- Environmental Study Grant
- Municipal Fee Rebate Grant
City of Timmins Contact
Timmins City Hall:
220 Algonquin Blvd. East
Timmins, ON P4N 1B3
Telephone: (705) 264-1331
Email Address: