AgriAssurance Program (National Industry Association Component) – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (2022)


AgriAssurance Program: National Industry Association (NIA) Component provides non-repayable contributions for projects, at the national level, to help industry develop and adopt systems, standards and tools to support health and safety claims about Canadian agricultural and agri-food products.

Comments on Funding:

Funding for a project will normally not exceed $1 million over five years.The applicant must provide a minimum of 25% of the funding towards eligible costs. Applicant’s portion of the cost-share can be a combination of both cash and in-kind contributions. In-kind contributions will normally not exceed 10% of the total eligible costs to complete the project.

Total government funding (other federal departments and agencies, provincial/territorial, and municipal governments) cannot exceed 85%.


Applicants must be:

  • not-for-profit organizations operating in the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector, including fish and seafood, which may include:
  • Associations
  • Co-operatives,
  • Indigenous groups
  • Clubs and societies
  • be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements;
  • providing a minimum of 25% of the funding towards eligible costs. The maximum AAFC contribution for a project will normally not exceed $1 million over five years.

While academic institutions are not eligible as direct recipients for funding under the AgriAssurance Program, they may receive indirect program funding, as partners or collaborators, through projects managed by eligible industry organizations.

Applications Steps:

The applicant must:

Online applications will receive an acknowledgement receipt of your application within one business day. If you did not receive this, please contact the program by email at or by phone at 1-877-246-4682. There are no delays expected. Online applications should be processed within 100 business days.

Documentation Needed:

The applicant must submit:

  • The Project Application Form (PDF Version)
  • Signature of Applicant Authorized Representative
  • A copy of the organization’s Certificates or Articles of Incorporation
  • A copy of the last two years’ financial statements (optional)
  • Project Endorsement Letters / Letters of Support
  • A consent for Use, Disclosure and Copyright
  • Documents to demonstrate market relevance
  • Information supporting strategic importance of proposal
  • A project team description
  • An executive summary
  • Capital asset pre-approval for grants and contributions programs, if applicable
  • An implementation plan.

Other Things to Note:

Applications will be accepted until September 30, 2022, or until funding has been fully committed or until otherwise announced by the program.


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    The program ends March 31, 2023.

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