AgriAssurance Program (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Component) – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


The AgriAssurance Program: Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) component provides targeted support to companies to help implement third-party assurance certification projects that address international market requirements, thus helping expand export opportunities for Canadian agricultural and agri-food products.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is up to $50,000. If the applicant has multiple funding projects within the program, the total contribution towards all projects cannot exceed $100,000.

The applicant must provide a minimum of 50% of the funding towards eligible costs. Applicant’s portion of the cost-share must be cash contributions. In-kind contributions are ineligible.

Total government funding (other federal departments and agencies, provincial/territorial, and municipal governments) cannot exceed 85%.


Applicants must:

  • be for-profit organizations operating in the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector, including fish and seafood, that exist to make a profit, including:
  • businesses and/or corporations,
  • co-operatives, or
  • Indigenous groups. 
  • be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements. 

Additional eligibility conditions for SMEs:

  • be directly involved in growing, harvesting, processing or otherwise transforming or consolidating their products
  • have up to 250 employees and annual revenues below $50 million,
  • be independently incorporated.
  • have completed market research,
  • be export and market ready.

Any SME that is independently incorporated, and meets the eligibility requirements, can apply; however, in reviewing applications, priority may be given to organizations that are not subsidiaries or members of a larger group of companies. While decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis, generally excluded/not eligible are:

  • third-party representatives, such as trading houses, export brokers, agents, or promoters;
  • individuals and sole proprietors, not-for-profit organizations, marketing boards, and governments and their agencies.

Applications Steps:

Applicants must:

Online applications will receive an acknowledgement receipt of your application within one business day. If you did not receive this, please contact the program by email at or by phone at 1-877-246-4682. There are no delays expected. Online applications should be processed within 75 business days.

Documentation Needed:

The applicant must submit:


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    • The Project Application Form (PDF Version)
    • Signature of Applicant Authorized Representative
    • A copy of the organization’s Certificates or Articles of Incorporation
    • A consent for Use, Disclosure and Copyright
    • The AgriAssurance Program: SME questionnaire.

    Other Things to Note:

    This program is part of the Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

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