Canada Council for the Arts – Sector Innovation and Development – Project Grants Component of Supporting Artistic Practice


The Sector Innovation and Development component of Supporting Artistic Practice provides grants to projects by Canadian and First Nations, Inuit and Métis arts professionals, cultural connectors, groups, and organizations. These projects must grow and improve the arts sector.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is a contribution of up to $50,000 for project requests.

Higher amounts may be considered of up to $100,000 for activities that have elevated costs due to the duration of the project, increased access costs, number of people involved, and/or technical or other requirements, subject for justification.

Application Assistance funding is available for persons who are experiencing difficulty and self-identify as:

  • an artist who is Deaf, hard of hearing, has a disability or is living with a mental illness;
  • a First Nations, Inuit or Métis artist facing language, geographic and/or cultural barriers.


Applicants must be:

  • Arts professionals and cultural connectors;
  • First Nations, Inuit or Métis arts/cultural professionals;
  • Artistic groups and collectives;
  • First Nations, Inuit or Métis groups or collectives;
  • Architectural groups and collectives;
  • Artistic organizations;
  • First Nations, Inuit or Métis organizations;
  • National arts service organizations;
  • Support groups, organizations and shared platforms;
  • Festivals, presenters and touring networks;
  • Book and magazine publishers;
  • Agencies and management service organizations.

Applications Steps:

Applicants must:

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must submit:

  1. one-page project schedule;
  2. a detailed budget, including other sources of revenues and whether those have been confirmed or pending;
  3. biographies of any consultants, workshop leaders or other key people leading the project; and
  4. confirmation of support or involvement from any project partners or other contributors (financial or in-kind support and letters confirming the role of each partner in the project);
  5. bibliographies, executive summaries or recommendations from relevant reports (feasibility studies, needs analysis, survey results, etc.), if applicable;
  6. for projects that involve groups identified in the assessment criteria, they may include a maximum of 3 additional letters of support that demonstrate community collaboration, and engagement, and that appropriate cultural protocols are being observed

A final report will be due 3 months after the successful applicants complete the project. Please note that further funding cannot be released until all overdue final reports have been received and approved.

Program Contact:


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    Sector Innovation and Development | Canada Council for the Arts

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