Canadian Heritage – Canada Book Fund (CBF) – Support for Organizations: Accessible Digital Books initiative (2022)


The objective of this initiative is to encourage the Canadian book industry to integrate accessible publishing features into the production and distribution of digital books (ebooks and audio books) that can be used by everyone, including readers living with print disabilities. Specifically, this initiative aims to increase the availability of “born accessible” Canadian-authored digital titles.

Comments on Funding:

Funding per project varies but funding of more than $250,000 is exceptional and reserved for projects with broad national impact in either or both language markets. An initial funding cap of $100,000 will be applied for successful collective conversion projects. If there is room in the program budget, additional funding may be considered for conversion work that contributes to the program objective of increasing accessible publishing capacity in Canada.

Expenses incurred before receiving written confirmation of funding approval are at your own risk. The project for which you are requesting funding cannot finish before you receive your funding decision. Multi-year projects can be considered but not for new applicants to the program. Please consult the program guidelines for requirements for applying for funding for more than 12 months.

Aggregate support to any individual recipient is limited to $2,000,000 per year. One may receive support for more than one project in a given year.

The total financial assistance received from the Support for Organizations component of the Canada Book Fund and other levels of government (federal, provincial, territorial and municipal) cannot exceed:

  • 100% of total project-related costs for not-for-profit organizations and organizations from Indigenous communities or official-language minority communities;
  • 75% of total project-related costs in the case of other organizations.


The applicant must:

  • be Canadian-owned and Canadian-controlled organizations;
  • be representing or related to the Canadian book publishing industry; and
  • be incorporated under the laws of Canada or a province.
  • propose collective projects that support the broad objectives of the accessible digital book initiative and the specific objectives of the accessible digital book initiative and the specific objectives for this current round.

Canadian teaching institutions with a specialization in the book industry are eligible for funding of Professional Development projects. Organizations that represent Canadian libraries may be eligible for projects that meet the objectives of the Canada Book Fund and/or the accessible digital books initiative, but should contact CBF before applying.

Applications Steps:

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must:

  • complete the Application Form, 
  • submit a detailed description and budget of the project (see Part E of the Application Form),
  • submit the organization’s latest audited financial statements.

Other Things to Note:


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    The application intake is now closed. Budget 2019 announced an investment of $22.8 million over 5 years for the development of an initiative to support the sustainable production and distribution of accessible digital books by Canadian independent publishers through the Canada Book Fund. In 2021-2022, the program will build on the first 2 rounds of funding for this initiative.

    Date modified: 2021-10-04 – Source

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