Celebrate Ontario – Blockbuster stream (2022)


The Celebrate Ontario Blockbuster program provides support to municipalities and organizations in Ontario for the hosting of large-scale, high-impact events that meet the ministry’s definition of a Blockbuster Event.

The Celebrate Ontario Blockbuster program provides support for expenses related to: programming and production, media buys specifically targeting tourist markets, event security and accessibility services, all specific to the delivery of a Blockbuster event.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is up to a maximum of 20% of eligible Blockbuster event cash operating expenses.


Applicants must be:

  • Ontario municipalities that have identified hosting major events as part of their tourism strategy,
  • for-profit or non-profit organizations (or groups of organizations) with event management/hosting mandates and/or hosting as part of their mandate;
  • Legal entities, federally or provincially incorporated,.
  • have a Canadian bank account at a Canadian financial institution that conducts business in Ontario;
  • not be in default of the terms and conditions of any grant or loan agreement with any ministry or agency of the Government of Ontario (for example, Ontario Trillium Foundation);
  • demonstrate proven organizational ability, technical capacity and fiscal prudence to successfully host a blockbuster event. This includes national and/or international event management experience and tourism business expertise

The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport will consider only one application per event among the two categories of the Celebrate Ontario program ― Celebrate Ontario main program and Celebrate Ontario Blockbuster.

Applications Steps:

Applicants must:

An email confirmation will be sent to the main application contact. If applicants do not receive confirmation of your application within 24 hours after submission, they should contact the Celebrate Ontario Office by email at TPONCC@ontario.ca or at 416-325-6691 or toll free at 1-855-216-3090.

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must submit:

  • the Celebrate Ontario Blockbuster Application Form — completed, electronically signed and dated;
  • Incorporation documents for their organization in the Transfer Payment Ontario System. If their organization is already registered in TPON but does not have incorporation papers attached to their organization’s profile, please log into TPON and attach them under organizational attachments. This requirement does not apply to municipalities.
  • their most recent, audited financial statements — final versions, prepared by a Chartered Public Accountant. The statements must include: income statement, balance sheet and the notes and opinion of the auditor.
  • an economic assessment report that estimates the event’s economic impact to Ontario, such as the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries’ Tourism Regional Economic Impact Model (TREIM) or a third-party economic impact report. Important note: All visitation numbers submitted in TREIM or other economic calculator must ONLY include tourists, i.e. Ontarians residing 40 km or more from the event site and all out-of-province visitors. Local Ontario visitors (within 40 km) should not be included in the TREIM or other economic impact calculators.
  • a marketing plan that identifies marketing tactics (including media buys, reach and costs) linked to specific target markets (geographic and demographic), timing and, if applicable, frequency. The marketing plan should align with the projected attendance numbers for the event

Other Things to Note:


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    For the purposes of the program, the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries defines a Blockbuster event as an event that is either:

    • a major one-time national or international event in Ontario,
    • a major event that recurs infrequently in Ontario, i.e. an event that does not recur annually or biennially in Ontario but travels nationally or internationally to host destinations. AND
    • has cash operating expenses totaling $1 million or more,
    • is of a size and scope sufficient to draw tourists to Ontario and generate significant economic impact for the province.
    • is of national and/or international prominence, attracting significant media exposure across Canada and/or globally.

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