CENGN and Ontario Centres of Innovation – Next Generation Networks Demonstration Program


The NGN Demonstration Program is designed to support Ontario based SMEs to use the CENGN testbed to further develop proof-of-concept or demonstrations that could lead to new technologies, products, processes and/or services.
Funding is available for stand-alone SME projects or SME collaborations with industry partners and/or public sector organizations such as municipalities, healthcare facilities or public utilities.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is 50% (maximum) of total eligible project costs, up to $50,000.
The applicant’s contribution is minimum 50% of total eligible project costs.


Applicants must:

  • be for-profit, incorporated in Ontario or Canada and must have a valid CRA business number;
  • be SMEs (less than 500 employees) with a validated innovative product/service;
  • be Innovation-Driven Enterprises (IDE) using or developing technology innovation or innovative processes for competitive advantage in provincial, national and/or global markets;
  • have operations with R&D in Ontario related to the project;
  • have the intent and potential to apply, exploit and/or commercialize the results of the project for the economic benefit of Ontario;
  • have the necessary expertise and resources to put the project into effect within an appropriate time frame;
  • be in good financial and reporting standing with OCI.

Companies with over $500,000 of OCE funding in their lifetime (inclusive of current application), will be required to obtain OCI approval before a new application for funding is initiated.
Awardees must agree to cooperate with OCI in the development of case studies.

Applications Steps:

Applications must be initiated in AccessOCI by an OCI Business Development Manager (BDM). Once initiated, the Applicant will receive login information to begin completing the application.

Applicants must:

Documentation Needed:


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    Applicants must submit:

    • Resumes/CVs from relevant team members,
    • letter/s of support from strategic partner company (to be included only if a Strategic Partner is engaged with the project),
    • company profile from strategic partner company (to be included only if a Strategic Partner is engaged with the project).

    Other Things to Note:

    Program Status: Currently Closed for Applications.
    Changed source 1.
    Information taken from the September 2021 Guidelines.  

    Program Contact:

    Projects – CENGN

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