City of Oakville – Brownfields Community Improvement Plan: Environmental Study Grant Program


The Environmental Study Grant (ESG) Program provides a financial incentive in the form of a grant to help offset the cost of conducting a range of environmental studies.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is a grant equal to 50% of the cost of eligible environmental studies to a maximum of:

  1. $3,000 for a Phase 1 ESA;
  2. $20,000 for any other eligible environmental study;
  3. two studies per project and $30,000 per project.

The total value of any grant(s) provided under this program will be deducted from eligible program costs for the Tax Assistance Program (TAP) and/or Tax Increment Grant (TIG) Program, as applicable.


Applicants must:

  • be owners of properties and assignees within the Community Improvement Project Area (all lands within the Urban Area of the Town of Oakville) that meet the program eligibility requirements;
  • propose an eligible property where there is potential for renovation, expansion, or adaptive reuse of the buildings on the property, and/or development/ redevelopment of the property;
  • clearly demonstrate their legitimate intention to undertake one of these activities on an eligible property by whatever means deemed necessary by the Town.

Applications must be for an environmental study that has the purpose of:

  • determining the likelihood that one or more contaminants have affected any land or water on, in or under the property (Phase I ESA);
  • confirming and describing the location and concentration of contamination at the site (partial, complete, or supplemental Phase II ESA);
  • surveying designated substances and hazardous materials at the site (Designated Substances and Hazardous Materials Survey);
  • developing a plan to remove, treat, or otherwise manage contamination found on the site; (Remedial Work Plan, Risk Assessment/Risk Management Plan).

Applications Steps:

Applicants must:

Applications must be made in writing and approved by the Town prior to the commencement of the environmental study;

Documentation Needed:

  1. All applications must be accompanied by:
    a) a description of the planned development/redevelopment, building renovation/adaptive reuse, and/or building expansion, including any planning applications that have been submitted/ approved;
    b) two (2) cost estimates including a work plan for preparation of the proposed environmental study; and,
    c) any other environmental studies or environmental site assessments conducted on the property.
  2. Applications for a Phase II ESA must be accompanied by a Phase I ESA completed by a Qualified Person (QP) (as defined by the Environmental Protection Act and Ontario Regulation (O. Reg) 153/04) that demonstrates the property is suspected of environmental contamination and that preparation of a Phase II ESA is recommended.
  3. Applications for a Remedial Work Plan/Risk Assessment/Risk Management Plan must be accompanied by:
    a) a Phase I ESA completed by a QP that demonstrates the property is suspected of environmental contamination and that preparation of a Phase II ESA is recommended; and,
    b) a Phase II ESA prepared by a QP that demonstrates that as of the date the Phase II ESA was completed, the property did not meet the required standards under subparagraph 4i of Section 168.4(1) of the Environmental Protection Act to permit a Record of Site Condition (RSC) to be filed in the Environmental Site Registry for the proposed use of the property.

All completed environmental studies must comply with the description of the studies as provided in the grant application form.
One (1) electronic and one (1) hard copy of the study shall be submitted to the Town for review.
You must agree to provide the Town with permission to notify any other subsequent project proponents of the existence of environmental studies funded by the ESG Program.
Actual costs for any or all items eligible for a grant may be subject to audit by the Town, at the expense of the applicant.

Other Things To Note:


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    No deadlines found. For further information on this program, please contact 905-845-6601, econdev@oakville.caExt. 2755.

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