Collective Initiatives (Canada Periodical Fund) – Canadian Heritage (2022)


The Collective Initiatives component of the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) provides funding to organizations for projects designed to increase the overall sustainability of the Canadian print magazine and non-daily newspaper industries.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is up to 75% of eligible expenses per government fiscal year. One may request funding for a project spanning more than 12 months to a maximum of 36 months. Other funding sources are required (at least 10% from the applicant; private sector or other levels of government contributions might be included).

The total financial assistance received from the Collective Initiatives component of the Canada Periodical Fund and other levels of government (federal, provincial, territorial and municipal) cannot exceed 75% of the total eligible project-related costs.


Applicants must:

  • Be incorporated as a non-profit organization under the laws of Canada or a province
  • Have its head office located in Canada,
  • Have been in operation for at least one financial year prior to application
  • have a mandate of:
  • representing and informing members of the periodical industry, or
  • delivering educational or consultative programs to its members and/or other members of the industry, or
  • promoting Canadian print magazines, digital periodicals and/or non-daily newspapers or the services of their creators, or
  •  encouraging and/or recognizing excellence in the content and creation of Canadian print magazines, digital periodicals and non-daily newspapers.

Applications Steps:

Applicants must:

We encourage you to submit your application package electronically, at the following email address: You can also mail, courier or hand-deliver your complete application package to the headquarters of the Department of Canadian Heritage. Your application must be postmarked no later than the published deadline to be considered.

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must submit a complete application package, including the signed Application Form and the following supporting documents:

  • proof of legal status (for a first time applicant or incorporated in the year, if applicable);
  • the most recent annual activity report;
  • a copy of the resolution of the Board of Directors in support of the project and identifying signing authority;
  • research in support of the proposed project;
  • quotes and résumés from consultants;
  • written confirmation of in-kind contributions to the project and other sources of funding, if applicable;
  • for funding requests of $100,000 and over – the most recent financial statements of the organization at one of the following levels: audited; review engagement report; or notice to reader.

Program Contact:


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    Collective Initiatives – Canada Periodical Fund

    Application Guidelines – Collective Initiatives

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