Economic Development Initiative (EDI) – Northern Ontario Development Program (NODP) – FedNor (2022)


The EDI is intended to enhance the economic vitality of Northern Ontario’s official language minority communities (OLMC) – the Francophone community – and enhance the region’s competitiveness through linguistic duality, by supporting projects designed to achieve the development of enterprises and communities.

Comments on Funding:

Assistance is provided in the form of repayable and non-repayable contributions. Contributions will normally be repayable where proposed projects generate profits for the eligible applicant.

Project funding is subject to parliamentary approval of funds and to the maintenance of current and forecasted program-related budgetary levels.

Eligible applicants are expected to contribute a minimum of 10% of project costs.

Costs for which the applicant has entered into a legal commitment prior to the application received date will not be considered eligible for reimbursement unless written consent is provided by FedNor.


Eligible recipients include Francophone or other organizations that undertake project activities in both official languages, provide programs or services in French, and are located in Northern Ontario. This would normally include:

  • Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs)
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Sectoral associations
  • Post-secondary institutions that offer full-time programs of study in French.
  • Municipalities that serve the Francophone community

Applications Steps:

Documentation Needed:

The applicant must complete an Application for Financial Assistance providing key contact and project information, along with a brief summary of how the proposed project will result in outcomes that support innovation, economic diversification and business growth in Northern Ontario’s Francophone communities (the official language minority community) and capitalize on economic opportunities made possible through linguistic duality.

Program Contact:

Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Guidelines website

Application instructions for financial assistance for the EDI


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    FAQ – Economic Development Initiative (EDI) in Northern Ontario

    Economic Development Initiative (EDI)

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