EURIMAGES – European Cinema Support Fund and Telefilm Canada – Exhibition Support


This Exhibition Support program provides funding aimed to:

  1. Increase the programming of eligible films in cinemas in Eurimages’ member states that do not have access to support under the Creative Europe MEDIA sub-programme. The following countries are eligible for the Eurimages programme of support for cinemas: Armenia, Canada, Georgia, Russian Federation, Switzerland, Ukraine and Turkey.

  2. Support cinemas’ efforts to enhance the programming and promotion of eligible films;

  3. Develop a wide network of cinemas, allowing joint intitiatives, both between exhibitors and distributors and with other Eurimages member states and European organisations that support cinemas.

Comments on Funding:

The amount of the support is decided by the Eurimages Board of Management; if the cinema meets the programming requirements set out in the contract, Eurimages will contribute €1 (one euro) maximum per non-national eligible admission in the cinema, including admissions to national films made as co-productions between Eurimages and Council of Europe member States, subject to an annual maximum amount of € 15 000 (fifteen thousand euros).
The Eurimages Board of Management may also decide to grant a bonus for the programming of Eurimages films, according to the terms and conditions to be defined in the contract and within the limit of a maximum annual amount of €5,000 (five thousand euros).


Applicants must:

  • be cinemas located in Eurimages member States that do not have access to the Creative Europe MEDIA programme are eligible. A “cinema” designates an establishment run by an exhibitor, whether it has one or several screens.
  • guarantee good screening conditions and audience comfort and be situated in national or regional capitals, university cities or other key cities or towns for cinematographic distribution;
  • be commercial cinemas that have been open to the public for at least 6 months and operate with a box office/ticketing system and declaration of receipts;
  • have a minimum number of screenings: 520 per year;
  • have a minimum number of seats: 70;
  • have a minimum admissions over 12 months: 20,000;
  • have technical equipment meeting professional standards;
  • have in place safety conditions complying with national law;
  • not be pornographic cinemas.

Applications Steps:


If applicants have any questions, please write to:

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must submit:

  1. the preliminary information form by e-mail;
  2. the online application;
  3. by mail to to Europa Cinemas at 54, rue Beaubourg, 75003 PARIS:
    a) the downloaded identification sheet, signed by the legal representative of the company;
    b) a certificate of receipts declared to the distributors;
    c) copies of publications issued by the cinema.

Other Things to Note:


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    There is a single deadline for Exhibition Support, a cinema that wishes to join the network must apply before 30 June (6pm CET) of the current year for membership in the following year.

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