Genome Canada – Genomic Applications Partnership Program


The Genomic Applications Partnership Program (GAPP) funds downstream research and development (R&D) projects that address real world opportunities and challenges identified by industry, government, not-for-profits and other “Receptors” of genomics knowledge and technologies. GAPP projects are collaborations between academic researchers and Receptor organizations, and are co-funded by Genome Canada, Receptors and other stakeholders.

Comments on Funding:

  1. Funding is a contribution of up to 1/3 of the project budget from Genome Canada, from a minimum of $100,000 to a maximum of $2 million.
  2. The remaining project funding must be secured from other eligible sources, with at least 1/3 provided by the Receptor(s).


To be eligible for GAPP funding, projects must:

  • develop and apply a genomics-derived tool, product or process to an opportunity or need defined by the Receptor(s);
  • focus on late stage R&D that will position the innovation for near term implementation / commercialization;
  • be co-led by an Academic and a Receptor organization in partnership, with active and necessary roles for both (see GAPP Investment Strategy and Guidelines for GAPP project partner definitions); and,
  • have the potential to generate significant social and/or economic benefits for Canada (see Section 6 for description of benefits to Canada).

The applicant is an academic reasercher and he must be a faculty member of a Canadian university or affiliated, non-commercial entity, such as hospitals and research institutes.
Researchers in not-for-profit corporations or registered charities may qualify as Academics for the purposes of GAPP if their organization has an explicit research mandate.

The Receptors must:

  • be organizations that intend to put the resulting innovation into practice (in internal operations, by commercialization, or otherwise making it available to its ultimate users),
  • be companies (private / public, Canadian / foreign-owned, including small or start up companies),
  • be industry consortia,
  • be government departments and agencies (federal, provincial and municipal),
  • be healthcare organizations,
  • be not-for-profit organizations,
  • have clear decision-making processes independent of the Academic Leader.

Applications Steps:

All applications to GAPP must be submitted via a regional Genome Centre. Applicants must contact their regional Genome Centre for more information.

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must:

  1. submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) which includes a summary of the proposed project and its value proposition,
  2. “pitch” their project via teleconference to a panel of external industry and technical experts convened by Genome Canada, if invited to,
  3. submit the Supplementary Proposal which provides a more thorough description of several sections of the EOI, including a detailed explanation of the technical aspects, project plan and budget, if invited.

Other Things to Note:


Genome Canada is again welcoming Expressions of Interest for the GAPP. Applicants must contact their Regional Genome Centre for more information on the application process and timelines (June 2021).

September 2019 – Investment Strategy

Program Contact:

Genomic Applications Partnership Program – GenomeCanada


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