Government of Canada – Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) (2022)
The Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) provides income support for employed or self-employed individuals who are not eligible for Employment Insurance (EI).
Comments on Funding:
Funding is up to $1,000 ($900 after taxes withheld) for a 2-week period and applicants may apply for a maximum of 13 periods.
Applicants must meet all the following conditions for the 2-week period they are applying for:
Applications Steps:
must confirm that they are currently registered with the CRA, set up direct deposit and check impact on their social assistance benefits (any provincial or territorial Social (Income or Disability) Assistance), before they apply;
may start applying on the first Monday after the 2-week period they are applying for has ended, including up to 60 days after the period has ended. Applications do not renew automatically;
must apply for each period separately. They can apply for a maximum of 13 periods out of the total 26 periods available between September 27, 2020 and September 25, 2021. The 13 periods do not have to be taken consecutively.
must apply online through CRA My Account or by phone
Documentation Needed:
Employee applicants might be asked to provide:
- recent pay slips;
- employment verification letter, including salary, if accessible online;
- record of Employment;
- bank statements showing name, address, and payroll deposit.
Self-employed applicants might be asked to provide:
- invoice for services rendered that includes: the service date, who the service was for, the name of the individual or company;
- receipt of payment for the service or services provided (a statement of account or bill of sale showing a payment and the remaining balance owed);
- documents showing income earned from a “trade or business” as a sole proprietor, an independent contractor, or a partnership;
- any other document that will confirm they earned $5,000 in employment or self employment income.
Applicants that receive provincial or federal benefits related to maternity or parental leave, might be asked to provide:
- statement of benefits;
- bank statements showing, name, address, and benefit deposit.
Other Things to Note:
The CRB closed to retroactive applications on December 23, 2021. You can no longer apply for this benefit.
When It Ends:
December 23, 2021