Government of Canada – Programming: Professional Arts Festivals and Performing Arts Series Presenters – Canada Arts Presentation Fund (CAPF) (2022)


The Professional Arts Festivals and Performing Arts Series Presenters stream provides support to existing professional arts festivals and performing arts series presenters, to offer a variety of professional artistic experiences to Canadians.

Comments on Funding:

For Professional Arts Festivals funding is up to 25% of eligible expenses or a maximum of $100,000 per fiscal year in the case of grants and 25% of eligible expenses or $500,000 per year in the case of contributions. In exceptional circumstances, support of up to $1,000,000 may be available for festivals with total eligible expenses over $5,000,000.

For Performing Arts Series Presenters funding is up to 25% of eligible expenses, or a maximum of $100,000 in the case of grants and $200,000 in the case of contributions.

The average level of support ranges from 7% to 17% of eligible expenses, depending on the region.
Total government funding cannot exceed 90% of the total project-related costs.


The applicant must be:

  • a not-for-profit organization incorporated under Part II of the Canada Corporations Act or the Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act (or under corresponding provincial or territorial legislation),
  • a provincial, territorial or municipal institution (including agencies and public educational institutions that organize presentation activities for the public), or
  • an Indigenous peoples institution or organization (Indigenous peoples include Inuit, Métis, Status and Non Status people).

All eligible organizations must:

  • have a clear arts presentation focus in their vision or mandate that is reflected in their by-laws and/or other governance documents;
  • have as their mission the presentation of works of professional artists;
  • keep separate, clear and exact accounts for these presentation activities;
  • have been in continuous professional operation for a minimum of one year prior to the application deadline;
  • present works that originate from more than one province or territory;
  • provide the presentation venue, as well as technical and promotional support for the presentation;
  • charge an admission fee to the public for part or all of the presentation season or the festival; and
  • pay a guaranteed fee to professional artists for presentations offered within a festival or series and provide professional presentation conditions. (The contractual commitments concerning remuneration to artists by Fringe and street-performer festivals also meet CAPF eligibility requirements).

Performing Arts Series Presenters must also:

  • have presented in a professional manner a minimum of three distinct shows, or a series of performances within a season, created, produced and performed by other professional artists.

Professional Arts Festivals must also:

  • have presented in a professional manner a festival lasting a minimum of three consecutive days, of various works created, produced and/or performed by professional artists; and
  • program a festival that extends over a period of three days (minimum) to four weeks (generally) and includes the presentation of a minimum of three distinct professional works/performances.

Media arts festivals must also:

  • demonstrate a commitment to presenting works by independent professional artists, including films, video or audio productions, and new media. We will give priority to media arts festivals where artists are remunerated to undertake outreach activities with the general public during the festival.

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must submit a complete application package, including:


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    1. the General Application Form,
    2. a Budget Template: Revenues and Expenses,
    3. the Proposed Activities and Projected Results,
    4. sample professional artist contract or letter of agreement used by their organization,
    5. promotional materials (brochures, programs or reports of past events),
    6. the organizational chart including a list of permanent employees,
    7. the list of board members, their professional occupations and the list of volunteer committees,
    8. current planning documents, if available,
    9. a board resolution authorizing this application and designating the person with signing authority (duly signed by the board chair or president of your organization),
    10. the curriculum vitae of the executive director (and artistic director, if applicable),
    11. copy of the letters of patent and their amendments or the corporate charter,
    12. the most recent financial statements (audited financial statements for organizations having previously received a contribution from the CAPF in the amount of $250,000 or more; and for new applicants with an operating budget greater than $500,000, and non-audited financial statements for organizations having previously received a contribution from the CAPF in the amount of less than $250,000; and for new applicants with an operating budget of $500,000 or less),
    13. the completed Activities and Actual Results, only for first-time applicants,
    14. a one-page history of their organization, only for first-time applicants.

    Other Things to Note:

    1. The CAPF has two main components – Programming and Development. The CAPF Programming component has two streams: Professional Arts Festivals and Performing Arts Series Presenters; and Presenter Support Organizations.
    2. Application deadlines: April 1st and October 1st for projects which will occur after April 1st of the following year:
    • April 1st is the application deadline for projects starting between April 1st and June 30th of the following year.
    • All other applicants must contact their regional office to determine which deadline is appropriate for their organization. When an application falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, it is extended to the following working day.

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