Government of Ontario – Property Tax Rebate Grant (2022)

  • This program is currently closed.


Businesses that are, or were, required to shut down or significantly restrict services due to provincial public health measures can apply for rebates for their municipal and education property taxes, provided in the form of grants, to help with their fixed costs.

Comments on Funding:

Funding will take the form of a rebate and will cover the entire length of time that regionally targeted public health restrictions are in place.


  • All small businesses that are eligible for the Ontario Small Business Support Grant are also eligible for the Property Tax Rebate Grant. Ontario Small Busines Support Grant eligibility criteria:
  • be an Ontario small business with a business number (a corporation, unincorporated business, partnership, charity, non-profit organization or any other type of entity operating a business in Ontario);
  • have been required to close or restrict services subject to the Provincewide Shutdown effective 12:01 a.m. on December 26;
  • have fewer than 100 employees at the enterprise level;
  • have experienced a minimum of 20% revenue decline comparing April 2020 to April 2019 revenues. New businesses established since April 2019 are also eligible provided they meet the other eligibility criteria.
  • Businesses that are, or were, required to close or significantly restrict services as a result of being under Control, Lockdown or Provincewide Shutdown in the COVID-19 response framework: keeping Ontario safe and open.
  • Businesses that were required to close or significantly restrict services as a result of being under “modified Stage 2” restrictions in the previous framework.

Eligible businesses in regions that are or were subject to Control restrictions or previously modified Stage 2 restrictions include:

  • restaurants and bars;
  • gyms, facilities for indoor sports and recreational fitness activities;
  • performing arts and cinemas;
  • bingo halls, gaming establishments, casinos, conference centres and convention centres;
  • community centres, multi-purpose facilities, and museums;
  • personal care services (with the exception of oxygen bars);
  • racing venues;
  • meeting or event space;
  • in-person teaching and instruction.

In addition, eligible businesses in regions subject to Lockdown measures in the previous COVID-19 response framework: keeping Ontario safe and open, include:

  • retail required to close for in-person shopping;
  • shopping malls;
  • personal services;
  • driving instruction;
  • tour and guide services;
  • photography services;
  • campgrounds;
  • cannabis retail stores.

In addition, eligible businesses in regions subject to the Provincewide Shutdown measures, include:

  • hardware stores (including big box stores) required to close for in-person shopping;
  • drive-in cinemas;
  • garden centres;
  • outdoor sports and recreation facilities;
  • day camps for children;
  • pet/animal food and services;
  • ski hills;
  • outdoor markets (excluding grocery);
  • safety, medical and assistive devices retail (excluding pharmacies);
  • rental and leasing services;
  • domestic services;
  • vehicle and equipment repair services;
  • veterinary services;
  • cell phone and computer providers & repairs;
  • media industries including film and television production (excluding radio/television broadcasting);
  • before- and after- school programs.

Businesses will not be eligible if they are:

  • within the areas subject to public health restrictions, but were not required to close or significantly restrict services;
  • owned by the federal, provincial, or a municipal government, or by a person holding federal or provincial office

Applications Steps:

Applicants will be able to complete a single form to apply for any – or all – of these programs: PPE support, property tax rebates, energy cost rebates or the Ontario Small Business Support Grant.

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must provide the following:


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    1. business information (including legal name and CRA business number);
    2. contact information;
    3. property tax details, including their property tax bills (or proof of costs associated with property taxes); 
    4. bank details.

    Other Things to Note:

    1. Applications for property tax and energy cost rebates in respect of October 2020 to July 2021 closed on July 30, 2021. Applications received before the deadline are being reviewed.
    2. Program no longer active in January 2022.

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