Impact Canada Challenge Hub – Cross-Canada Flight Competition (2022)

  • This program is currently closed.


A prize of $1 million will be awarded to the first sustainable aviation fuel producer to provide 2500 liters of Canadian-produced sustainable aviation fuel to be used as part of a cross-Canada commercial flight with a minimum blend of 10% sustainable aviation fuel.

Comments on Funding:

The prize is $1,000,000.


The applicant must be:

  • A bio jet producer
  • Validly incorporated or registered in Canada.

Applications Steps:

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must:

  • Notify Natural Resources Canada that they have produced the required volume of fuel. Natural Resources Canada will inform Air Canada and West Jet of the availability of the fuel and the airlines will negotiate the terms of sale and delivery with the producer and sign a purchase agreement. 
  • Provide a copy of the purchase agreement with the airlines,
  • Provide confirmations that the jet fuel meets CAN/CGSB 3.23-2016 and ASTM D7566 and that the greenhouse gas emissions of the fuel are a minimum of 10% lower than that of conventional aviation fuel (CAF) on a life-cycle basis,
  • Provide confirmation from a Canadian independent auditing company that all of the sustainable aviation fuel or renewable diesel was produced in Canada (i.e. Fuel made from a feedstock delivered to a facility in Canada or fuel resulting from the conversion of the same feedstock, in the same Canadian facility).,
  • Include information on existing funding.

Other Things to Note:

Program no longer active at the beginning of 2021.

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