Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Canada Council for the Arts – College and Community Innovation program – CCSIF/Canada Council for the Arts joint funding opportunity


This new initiative provides opportunities for arts organizations, groups or collectives to collaborate with other sectors to foster community innovation that supports more effective, fair and/or durable solutions to complex social problems, such as integrating vulnerable populations, community development, social justice, decolonization, climate change, environmental degradation as well as fostering health and well-being.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is up to $75,000 per year for each partner arts organization, group or collective for up to three years.


Applicants must:

  • be Canadian colleges that have been declared eligible to administer grants by at least one of the three federal granting agencies (NSERC, CIHR and/or SSHRC). If the proposed research and knowledge or technology transfer activities lie entirely within the mandate of a single agency (NSERC, CIHR or SSHRC), the college must be declared eligible to receive funding from that granting agency.
  • offer programs in the humanities and social sciences, natural sciences and engineering, and/or health sciences, in line with the applied research areas proposed;
  • have its faculty members that are involved in CCSIF grants engaged in applied research in the humanities and social sciences, natural sciences and engineering, and/or health sciences;
  • provide the space, facilities and services to enable its faculty members in humanities and social sciences, natural sciences and engineering, and/or health sciences to conduct applied research;
  • propose a project that addresses challenges in community innovation in the social sciences, humanities, health sciences, natural sciences and engineering research fields;
  • have partners from the public, private or not-for-profit sectors;
  • have strong relationships with community partners that have the capability and willingness to implement research results within a Canadian setting.

Groups, organizations and/or collectives with a valid Canada Council for the Arts applicant profile may request additional funding from the Canada Council by completing a Canada Council for the Arts budget form and submitting it with the CCSIF application in the Convergence Portal (see CCSIF application instructions).

Community innovation:

  • efers to the development of new ideas or the use of existing ideas to find solutions to community challenges.
  • involves an initiative, product, process or program that creates positive social and/or health outcomes for societies.
  • can result in more effective, fairer and more durable solutions to complex social problems.
  • aims to produce benefits for the community, not only for some individuals.
  • increases the ability of communities to act collectively and promotes solutions to accelerate technological innovation.

Applications Steps:

NSERC will conduct the peer review of the joint applications. Up to five CCSIF/Canada Council for the Arts applications recommended for funding will be awarded. Funding decisions will be communicated to the applicants jointly.

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must submit:

  1. F103CV (form-fillable) – CCI Personal Data Form and instructions,
  2. the completed Canada Council budget form as a PDF attachment in the Supporting documents section, under Canada Council joint application form.

Other Things to Note:


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    1. For questions specifically related to the Canada Council of the Arts and eligibility for Canada Council grants,
    2. NSERC and Canada Council for the Arts have developed a joint application submission and review process for colleges partnering with arts organizations, groups or collectives eligible for Canada Council grants.

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