Supercluster NGen (2021)

  • This program is currently closed.


NGen Supercluster connects manufacturers and technology companies to accelerate the development, adoption, and scale-up of transformative capabilities in Canadian manufacturing.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is in the form of a reimbursement of up to 44.4% of a project’s eligible costs incurred following the signing of a Project Agreement.

The figure is set at a project level and not at a partner level, therefore project partners can negotiate within the consortium the levels of funding.

No single partner can receive more than 70% reimbursement.


Applicants must:

  • Be members of the Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster
  • Be incorporated in Canada
  • Facilitate and fund research and development and whose funding is received primarily from private-sector organizations
  • Be a SME or have at least one SME partner.

Applications Steps:

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must:

  • Certify that they have read, understand, and are willing to comply with NGen’s project requirements.
  • Describe the purpose of their project;
  • Indicate that their project is collaborative and identify lead private sector partners (there must be a Collaboration Agreement in place among the members of project consortia defining the roles of project partners and joint risk management provisions); 
  • Provide an estimate of project costs and indicate that they are willing to invest in the project within the timelines of NGen’s Supercluster funding horizon;
  • Certify that they have adequate financial means and project management capabilities to carry out the project.

Other Things to Note:

Last year there was just a program under which one could apply for funding. This year, there is one project funding and three specific types of projects funded by NGen under Capacity Building – see the bellow entries. Supercluster – Porjects seems to be the Supercluster from last year, but due to the many changes including the name I chose to make a new entry.

Program Contact:




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    NGen – Supercluster

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