Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund (NADF) – Business Recovery Fund (2022)
Through the Business Recovery Fund NADF provides eligible applicants up to $50,000 (50% non-repayable) to meet their businesses general expenses, increase productions capacity, develop new products, move to online marketing or to make improvements to accommodate social distancing requirements.
Comments on Funding:
Funding is up to $50,000, out of which 50% is non-repayable.
Applicant must:
- a clear project-specific need as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic;
- the potential to maintain employment, business and/or training opportunities for Indigenous people;
- the potential to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic;
- an acceptable value for money in terms of outputs and results;
- confirm that all projects and businesses will be based within NADF catchment area;
- a sound budget with eligible funding activities; and
- sound project management.
Other terms and conditions apply and Account Manager will discuss with the applicants.
Applications Steps:
contact their Account Manager by email or call 1-800-465-6821 or 807-623-5397, if they are an existing or former NADF client;
email or call toll free 1-800-465-6821 or 807-623-5397 and an Account Manager will be assigned to work with them, if they are new clients.
Other Things to Note:
Program no longer active in January 2022.

Program Contact:
When It Ends:
Rolling deadline