Northern Community Capacity Building Program – Partnership Projects – NOHFC

  • This program is currently closed.


The Northern Community Capacity Building Program helps northern communities develop the capacity to promote, attract, and support economic growth in existing and emerging priority economic sectors.

Comments on Funding:

Funding for community-based projects will generally not exceed the lesser of 75% or $50,000.

Funding for regional, partnership-based projects will generally not exceed the lesser of 75% or $100,000.


Applicants must:

  • Municipalities, First Nations, local service boards (for projects related to their approved powers) and not-for-profit organizations including educational institutions, either involved in economic development or representing an eligible sector (may apply individually)
  • Partnerships and alliances of municipalities, private sector businesses and organizations, educational institutions, the federal government, and other government-related agencies..

Applications Steps:

The applicant must:

NOHFC will contact the applicant in 2 to 4 weeks!

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must provide:

  • A municipal council resolution, a band council resolution, a local services board by-law, non-profit board of directors resolution to confirm support, or other for Community applications.
  • A municipal council resolution, a band council resolution, a local services board by-law or other documentation confirming support from each of the represented organizations for regional applications or applications from organizations representing a group of eligible applicants.
  • A list of previous funding received by all partner organizations that are related to the proposed project or to similar activities funded in the previous five years.

Other Things to Note:

Program no longer active. (January 2021 and December 2021)


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