Ontario Arts Council – Publishing Organizations: Operating


The Publishing Organizations: Operating program supports Ontario-based, Canadian-owned book and magazine publishers that publish works of literary, artistic or cultural importance for the general public. There are two categories:
– Book publishers: Organizations that publish books in print or digital format as their primary activity. Some publishers may publish magazines or journals as a secondary activity;
– Magazine publishers: Organizations that publish magazines in print or digital format as their primary activity. Some publishers may publish books as a secondary activity.

Comments on Funding:

Applicants will receive grant notification letters which include the recommended grant amount.


Apllicants’ organizations must:

  • be Canadian-owned and —controlled with its head office (at least 50 per cent of employees and editorial, management and financial control) in Ontario;
  • have been operating as an Ontario-based publisher for at least two years (excepting affiliated companies;
  • have at least $75,000 in total revenues for the last fiscal year, and in projected revenues for the current and requested years (for applicants not currently receiving funding from this program);
  • have completed at least two years of sustained, regular, ongoing programming in its community as of the application date (for publishers, publication is considered programming);
  • have book and/or magazine publishing as their primary activity;
  • be free to make their own editorial decisions and sign contracts in their own name;
  • conduct the majority of their publishing activity in English. (Funding for Ontario-based, French-language publishers is available through OAC’s édition francophone — fonctionnement program.);
  • be governed by a board of directors or an advisory body solely responsible for the publisher (exception: sole proprietorships and private companies);
  • have a range of revenue sources such as private and government;
  • have proof of sound financial management;
  • submit verification of financial results of the last completed fiscal year.

Applications Steps:

Applicants must complete and submit an application in Nova, OAC’s online grant application system. They will be able to do this approximately two months before the deadline.

Before applying, applicants must:

Participation in this program is by invitation only. Potential new applicants must contact the program officer at least one month before the deadline to be considered for an invitation.

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must submit completed application, which includes:

  1. their answers to the application questions
  2. book publishers: one copy of each eligible book published in the last calendar year
  3. magazine publishers: two copies of each issue published in the 12 months prior to the program deadline;
  4. book publishers: a PDF of their most recent trade catalogue or a link to a BookNet CataList version of this catalogue;
  5. PDF of up to 20 pages extracted from eligible books or magazines published in the last year;
  6. companies that publish books and magazines should submit both with their application; and
  7. support documents: financial and statistical information through their Excel form, financial statements for their organization’s last completed year and verification of these financial results. The type of financial statement required depends on the amount of the grant request and the size of the organization’s annual budget, as follows:
    a) requests over $50,000 from not-for-profit organizations: audited financial statements
    b) requests over $25,000: review engagement (or, if available, audited financial statements)
    c) requests $25,000 and under, unaudited financial statement (or, if available, review engagement or audited financial statement).

Other Things to Note:


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    The previous deadline was on June 16, 2022. After this year, 2023 will be the next deadline open to new applicants to this program.

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