Ontario Centers of Innovation (OCI) and Mitacs – VIP Mitacs


The Voucher for Innovation and Productivity program (VIP) supports the collaboration between Academia and Industry to solve an industry‐based problem and drive the commercialization of Intellectual Property (IP). The institution will leverage the unique skills and specialized infrastructure that is instrumental to streamline internal innovations and commercialization needs.

Mitacs Accelerate funds collaborative research between companies or not-for-profit organizations in all sectors, students and/or postdoctoral fellows, and professors at Canadian academic institutions.

Comments on Funding:

OCE funding is up to 50% of total eligible project costs and ranges from $20,000 to $150,000.Mitacs funding is up to $7,5000 per intern per four- to six-month internship unit, with the Industry Partner Matching (Minimum) $7,500 per intern per four- to six-month internship unit.


Applicant must:

  • be faculties from an Ontario university/research hospital eligible to hold Tri-Council funds;
  • have a SME for-profit industry partner:
  • incorporated in Ontario for a minimum of two years and with a valid CRA business number;
  • with a minimum od five full-time equivalent (FTE) employees in Ontario; is using or developing technology innovation or innovative processes for competitive advantage in provincial, national and/or global markets;
  • with operations and/or R&D in Ontario related to the project and capacity to apply, exploit and/or commercialize results of the project for the economic benefit of Ontario;
  • in good financial and reporting standing with OCE.
  • with the necessary expertise and resources to put the project into effect within an appropriate timeframe.

Interns must be:

  • Canadian citizens, permanent residents or international students;
  • full-time graduate students, OR
  • Post-doctoral fellows (except those who have previously held a Mitacs Elevate award), with PhD granted no more than five years prior to the project start date.

The company’s contributions to the Mitacs internship cannot be used as the same industry contribution in the OCE budget form. The company must provide a cash contribution of $7,500 in addition to the cash contribution required for the VIP project. Eligibility of not-for-profit partners and project economic orientation must be assessed by the Mitacs Business Development Manager prior to proposal submission.

Other Things to Note:


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    Ontario Centers of Excellence (OCE) changed name to Ontario Centers of Innovation (OCI).

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