FedDev Ontario Regional Innovation Ecosystem (2022)
The Regional Innovation Ecosystem stream aims to create, grow and develop strong and inclusive regional ecosystems that support business growth and innovation, as well as the entrepreneurial environment necessary to foster more innovative regional economies and increase the competitiveness of SMEs.
Comments on Funding:
Funding is up to 50% of eligible project costs and ranges from $500,000 up to $10 million per project. Funding is a no-interest, repayable contribution.
Applicants provide minimum 50% cash contribution.
The maximum disbursement of a contribution that provides funding to SMEs as their ultimate recipient is capped at a maximum of $100,000 per SME under a FedDev Ontario project with a not-for-profit organization.
Total government funding is up to 100%.
Applicants must be not-for-profit organizations that may include:
To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must demonstrate:
Applications Steps:
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact FedDev Ontario prior to submitting an application.
FedDev Ontario has a single-phase application process and one Application for Funding that is used across all three Streams of innovation programming.
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must demonstrate:
Growing the next generation of anchor firms in southern Ontario
When It Ends:
Rolling deadline