Energy Manager Program – Save On Energy (2022)


The Save on Energy – Energy Manager Program provides funding to participants to hire an energy manager or complete an energy assessment for their business.

Comments on Funding:

The IESO will provide:

  • up to 75% to a maximum of $80,000 for the hiring of an energy manager. The participant must commit to reducing total annual facility consumption by 3% through a combination of electricity and natural gas reduction measures.
  • 75% of the cost and up to $5,000 per assessment to conduct an energy assessment of a building or building system.

Companies approved will be eligible to receive an upfront payment of up to $20,000 annually upon the hiring of an energy manager and up to $150,000 per year to compensate their energy manager based on their performance – this will be at a rate of $300 per kW of peak demand reduction. Energy managers can reach their targets through projects supported by other Save on Energy incentives, and a minimum of 20% of savings must come from projects that have not received any incentive.


Applicants must:

  • be small or medium-sized enterprises with fewer than 500 employees;
  • own/manage facilities connected directly or indirectly to the grid in Ontario;
  • be a commercial, institutional, or industrial customer and/or manage a facility of a customer;
  • not be insolvent;
  • commit to reducing total annual facility consumption by 3% through a combination of electricity and natural gas reduction measures;
  • have a total annual electricity consumption greater than 2,500,000 kWh and total annual natural gas consumption of 200,000 m3, or a combined annual energy consumption of 16,500 GJ;
  • not have had five (5) or more previous 12-month or shorter terms receiving Energy Manager funding from the IESO (participants who have received funding for five (5) or more terms may be considered eligible at the IESO’s discretion);
  • identify an Executive Energy Sponsor and demonstrate how the sponsor will support the Energy Manager; and
  • execute a Participation Agreement with the IESO.

Businesses registered in the Output-Based Pricing System in the federal Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act are not eligible. Participants in the program may not opt into the Output-Based Pricing System for the duration of the their participation in this offering.

Applications Steps:

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must:

  • Complete and submit the Energy Manager Application to,
  • Complete and submit the Energy Manager Agreement, if the application is approved.
  • Execute a Participation Agreement with the IESO,
  • Demonstrate to the IESO’s satisfaction the potential to reach the associated Minimum Annual Savings Target (which includes any applicable Shortfall Amount).

Other Things to Note:

Check back soon, starting 2023, this program will transition to a Strategic Energy Management (SEM) program that provides training, resources and enhanced technical support to companies with a dedicated energy manager.

  • Please note: This is a limited time offer with limited funding available. Applicants will be considered on a first come, first-served basis.
  • The fall application window is now closed and applications for 2022 energy manager funding are under review.

Program Contact:

Energy Manager program | Business and Industry Incentives | Save on Energy


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