Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) – Clean Tech Fund (2022)


SDTC provides funding to promising clean technology development and demonstration projects that are start-ups or scale-ups. For instance, when the technology itself is beyond proof-of-concept but is pre-commercial. The technology must demonstrate the potential for GHG emissions reductions, reductions in water consumption and/or the reduction of water, soil or air contamination. The project must include some further development of the technology, mitigate existing technology risk and include validation of the economic viability of the technology.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is on average 33% (up to 40%) of eligible projects costs, with an average contribution of $3 million, disbursed in five years or less.

The funding is a non-repayable contribution.

25% of the eligible costs must be funded through private sector contributions (including in-kind).

Funding from all levels of government must not surpass 75% of eligible costs.At least 50% of eligible project costs must be incurred in Canada.


Applicant must:

  • be a Canadian company (start-up or scale-up) that will demonstrate strong Canadian benefits with a defined project;
  • have a product or service that has the potential to deliver significant and quantifiable environmental benefits resulting from commercial-scale deployment;
  • have a novel technology that is supported by intellectual property owned by the company and a strategy to enable future growth;
  • have a defined project supported by a business plan that puts him on the path to commercialization;
  • have a potential customer or end use partner who can validate market need.

Applications Steps:

Applicants must:

The SDTC Project Review Committee will review the project. All recommended projects are presented to the SDTC Board of Directors for approval. If the project is approved, SDTC will work with the applicant to prepare a Contribution Agreement (contract) to advance the project


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    Other Things to Note:

    They are on continuous intake with five approval rounds a year.

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