Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) – Seed Fund (2022)


The Seed Fund supports promising early-stage Canadian cleantech entrepreneurs with one-time grants of $50,000 to $100,000 for innovative technological projects with environmental benefits.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is a one-time grant of $50,000 to $100,000.


Applicant must:

  • be nominated by one of SDTC’s partner accelerators (see the list in Source 3 column);
  • be a Canadian-owned company, incorporated and operating in Canada;
  • have an idea that brings technology to bear on a significant environmental problem;
  • have an entrepreneurial team with the skills to take that idea to the next level;
  • be past the R&D stage and looking to take first steps towards figuring out how to commercialize their idea;
  • be able to describe how their idea will demonstrate quantifiable environmental benefits (i.e., GHG reduction, clean air, soil, or water, etc.);
  • have raised at least twice the amount of requested funding through private equity sources, not including monies from friends and family.

Applicants should not:

  • have secured prior funding from SDTC,
  • have been rejected for seed funding by SDTC in the prior year,
  • apply simultaneously to SDTC Seed Fund and SDTC Tech Fund.

Applications Steps:

Phase One: Referrals

Phase Two: Applications 

Once nominated by a partner accelerator, applicants will be invited to complete their application in two steps:


After the Application period ends, SDTC staff will review the files for eligibility. Applicants should be prepared to provide additional materials and amend their applications if requested to do so.


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    Phase Three:

    Presentations & Deliberations If the application is eligible, candidates will be invited to a pitch session where they will have the chance to deliver a 5-minute pitch followed by a Q & A session with the Seed Fund Jury. Presentation times will be confirmed in the week before jury week.

    Following the pitch sessions, the jurors will deliberate and make recommendations to SDTC’s Board of Directors for a final funding decision. 

    Documentation Needed:

    Applicants must submit:

    1. Investor/ Pitch Deck;
    2. Signed Investors Agreements/ Subscription Agreements;
    3. Bank Statements (last 3 months);
    4. CV of Key team members;
    5. Financial statements and Financial Model, if available;
    6. Other relevant documents shared with other investors.

    The pitch should showcase for the jurors the applicant’s: 

    1. Value Proposition, including an understanding of the market opportunity and size ; 
    2. The competitive landscape and customer acquisition plan (including Intellectual Property Strategy);
    3. Team and advisor capability and skills;
    4. Articulating how you plan to deliver environmental benefits.

    Other Things to Note:

    With up to 100 companies funded annually, funding rounds open every 3-4 months with a timeline of just 8 weeks to move from application submission to payment.

    Program Contact:

    Seed Fund – SDTC

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