Toronto Enterprise Fund – Start-Up Grants (2021)


TEF offers Start-Up Grants to support social entrepreneurs who have a strong Feasibility Study and Business Plan to launch their employment social enterprise (ESE). ESEs are businesses that train and employ people facing barriers to the mainstream labour market

Comments on Funding:

Funding is up to $100,000 over a three-year period and are used to support the costs required to launch and establish a new ESE.


Applicant must:

  • be social entrepreneurs who have a strong Feasibility Study and Business Plan to launch their employment social enterprise (ESE). ESEs are businesses that train and employ people facing barriers to the mainstream labour market.
  • be in all industries and anticipate the highest volume of successful applications in the following sectors: Construction, IT, Health & Social Services, Hospitality, Retail, and Professional Services.
  • be planning to operate your ESE in Peel, Toronto or York Region.
  • be starting a new ESE.
  • be nonprofits or charities that have been established for at least 3 years and have audited financial statements. If the organization has operated for less than 3 years or does not have audited financial statements, then a trustee is required. The trustee must be a charitable organization with a mission that is aligned with that of the ESE.

The following are also eligible:

  • Changing an established training program to be an ESE (i.e. starting to generate sales revenue).
  • Changing an established business to be an ESE (i.e. incorporating training/hiring and wraparound supports for key populations).

Applications Steps:

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must submit:

  1. completed Feasibility Study and Business Plan with appendices (using TEF templates);
  2. Business Model Canvas (using the TEF template);
  3. Financial Plan (including sales forecast, cash flow forecast, and 3-year budget, in TEF format);
  4. Work Plan (list of activities with time line and person responsible);
  5. Summary of Performance Goals (using the TEF template);
  6. Letters patent (including non-profit incorporation number);
  7. Charitable number (if applicable);
  8. most recent annual report of the organization (if available);
  9. most recent audited financial statement of the organization;
  10. list of the current Board of Directors (names, short bios, and email addresses);
  11. list of organization staff (names, positions, and email addresses);
  12. letter of support for launching the social enterprise from the Board of Directors;
  13. a letter of support from the proposed trustee (for organizations that have operated for less than 3 years or do not have audited financial statements).

Other Things to Note:

Applications are accepted at specific deadlines based on requests for proposals that are broadly published through this website, social media, and through the TEF mailing list.

TEF is particularly interested in ESEs that will employ people who have disabilities and/or youth facing multiple barriers – key populations that experience the highest rates of unemployment.


TEF Start Up Grants Info Webinar– Shared screen with speaker view

Program Contact:


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    Start-Up Grants – Toronto Enterprise Fund

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