V13 Policetech Accelerator-Start-Up Stream


The V13 Policetech Accelerator Start-Up stream will generate high-value collaborations with leading researchers and entrepreneurs at the early stage of development: from concept/ideation to applied R&D to beta prototype stage. Our intent is to discover bold new ideas at the transformative frontier of smart policing and community safety innovation, and help advance those concepts on their pathway to commercialization.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is up to $5,000 in non-repayable cash contribution to a collaborative project or customer demonstration.


Eligible applicants under the Start-Up stream include entrepreneurs and researchers.

Entrepreneurs will normally have:

  • a concept for a novel, innovative and technology-driven solutions (dependant on call) to an unsolved problem in policing that can be successfully commercialized. Specific types of solutions will be defined by the current Call for applications.
  •  a solution at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 1-6.
  • investigated and demonstrated eligibility and suitability for third-party programs providing matching funding, for example: OCE, NRC-IRAP, NSERC-Alliance, NSERC-Engage, etc.

Researchers will normally have:

  • formal affiliation with a post-secondary institution (graduate/post-graduate and/or faculty).
  • a research project that is eligible for incremental non-repayable/non-dilutive funding under a relevant government program that can leverage our contribution of $5,000 (plus additional in-kind contributions) from the V13 Policetech Accelerator.
  • investigated and demonstrated eligibility and suitability for third-party programs providing matching funding, for example: OCE, NSERC, SSHRC, MITACS, etc.
  • Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 1-6.

Applications Steps:

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must submit the following documentation:

  1. a summary which will be able to be made public (350 word limit).
  2. a R&D project narrative (to include the proposed approach, tools, etc) (3 page limit, including 1 page budget overview – including potential leveraged funding).
  3. a biographical sketch of PI(s) (attach CV).
  4. description of in-kind support requested/needed (500 word limit).

Other Things to Note:


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    Oct 2022:
    The V13 Policetech Accelerator [a joint venture of Cobourg Police Service (CPS) and Northumberland Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC) with the support of FedDev Ontario’s Rural Innovation Initiative.

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