Venture Norfolk – Community Special Project Assistance (2021)


Venture Norfolk works closely with community partners to provide partial funding (usually no more than $5,000) for projects that encourage economic opportunity in Norfolk County. Each year funding is available to support projects in the community, which promote economic development activities in conjunction with funding from as many other partners as possible.

Comments on Funding:

Venture Norfolk grants usually do not exceed $5,000, with the average range between $1,500 and $2,000.


Applicant must be:

  • not-for-profit organizations;
  • proposing a community project which promote economic development in Norfolk County.

Eligible proposals must:

  • be project ready before implementation and request of Venture Norfolk funding;
  • demonstrate that funding will be used to enhance economic development;
  • demonstrate the project is a one-time request and is not dependent on continual Venture Norfolk funds; The only way that Venture Norfolk can be approached for further funds from the same project is that a totally new impact type component be added outside the activities required to complete/stage the event the year before;
  • demonstrate that the funding received from Venture Norfolk will not exceed 50% of the total project cost with at least the other 50% (matching funds) from the applicant raised through fundraising (e.g. ticket sales, registration fees etc.), service clubs, donated material/labor and/or other grants;
  • demonstrate the benefits to your organization and to Norfolk County e.g. job creation, expansion, economic spin-offs/impact etc.; and
  • support the strategic goals and objectives of Venture Norfolk.

Applications Steps:

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must submit:

  1. the application form;
  2. copies of all invoices with a covering letter stating actual total project cost, ledger breakdown of funding sources, project outcomes e.g. improved attendance, increase repeat traffic, revenues, spin-offs/economic impact etc. upon completion of the project.

Other Things to Note:

Applicants should contact Venture Norfolk for further details.


Venture Norfolk Special Project Successes


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