Georgian Angel Network – GAN Xcelerate Fund
The GAN Xcelerate Fund (GXF) is a fund of $300,000 set up as a limited partnership of 16 GAN members that will invest up to $30,000 in 10 start-up companies over 2 years.
Comments on Funding:
Funding is up to $30,000.
Applicants must:
Applications Steps:
The applicant must:
Documentation Needed:
Once they submit their initial application, applicants must upload their power point presentation of no more than 15 pages to GFX dropbox, following the outline of application presentation.
Other Things To Note:
GXF will be investing in 5 companies during each of 2019 and 2020. The deadline for 2022 was announced in January 2022.
When It Ends:
Next deadlines to be determined