Community Futures Oxford -Future Oxford Legacy Fund – Access to Capital (2021)


The goal of the Future Oxford Legacy Fund – Access to Capital component will be to cultivate entrepreneurship throughout Oxford, thereby building a vibrant and sustainable economy. Priority sectors include youth entrepreneurship and employment, arts, culture, tourism, high-tech manufacturing, green technology, and locally grown and processed agriculture products. Access to capital provides flexible repayment terms, negotiated to encourage the long-term viability of the borrower.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is a repayable loan of up to $100,000.

Loan terms and conditions:

  1. The loan will consist of up to a 5-year term and will be amortized over 5 to 10 years. 
  2. Interest rates and monthly payments will be decided on a case-by-case basis and may include such conditions as one year of no payments or interest only payments for a defined period.
  3. Credit applications will be evaluated according to the business plan, cash flow forecasts, security available, sustainability of the project and projected outcomes.


Applicant must be:

  • community organizations;
  • not-for-profit organizations;
  • co-operatives;
  • social service institutions;
  • business organizations;
  • municipalities;
  • private enterprises.

Applications Steps:

Completed Business Loan Application along with the business plan will be reviewed by the General Manager. Eligible proposals will be submitted to Community Futures Oxford’s loan review committee to determine whether the loan will be recommended for approval. Approved applications must receive final authorization from Community Futures Oxford’s Board of Directors and applicants will be notified following the Board meeting of the decision regarding their application.

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must submit a completed application package including:

  1. the Business Loan Application;
  2. a business plan describing the new business, expansion, purchase or restructuring plans. The business plan should also include at minimum a 2-year Profit and Loss forecast and Cash Flow (if applicable). Any format is acceptable as long as it clearly explains how the business will succeed.
  3. the last 3 years financials of the business, if an existing business.
  4. a Personal Statement of Net Worth (PSONW) form for each owner or shareholder.

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