Two Rivers Community Development Centre (TRCDC) – Start-up financing (2022)


The goal of providing start-up financing is to encourage Aboriginal entrepreneurship that contributes to a vibrant and sustainable economy. TRCDC can provide startups with money to purchase equipment and inventory, finance purchase orders and cover operating expenses.

Comments on Funding:

Loans have flexible repayment terms and are structured to encourage the long-term viability of the business.


Academic institutions must:

  • be aboriginal owned and controlled businesses (50.1% held by Aboriginal entrepreneurs). Where ownership and or control of a business is not solely held by Aboriginal entrepreneurs each project will be considered on a case by case basis to ensure that the Aboriginal owner will stand to gain from the funding provided by TWO RIVERS.
  • be entrepreneurs with a great business idea and startup businesses in the TRCDC service area;
  • have no less than 10% to 15% equity. Equity in the form of contributed assets (directly related to the business) may occasionally be considered. TWO RIVERS does not recognize personal assets such as a personal vehicle or residential real estate as equity. In the case of an existing business, TWO RIVERS can recognize the equity they have built up in their business.
  • have a demonstrated ability to repay;
  • have evidence of future economic viability management skills.

Other Things to Note:

  1. First Nations:
  • Missisaugas of the Credit First Nation,
  • Six Nations of the Grand River.
  1. Counties
  • Oxford, Norfolk,
  • Perth, Waterloo,
  • Wellington Peel,
  • Dufferin, Grey,
  • Brant, Haldimand,
  • Hamilton, Niagara,
  • Halton, Simcoe, and
  • York including the,
  • GTA.

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