City of Cornwall – Brownfield Program: Rehabilitation Tax Increment Grant


The Rehabilitation Tax Increment grant reimburses (or rebates) the developer an annual grant equivalent to all or part of the municipal portion of the tax increase, to recover the cost of remediation. The developer pays the full cost of redevelopment as well as the annual increase in property tax.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is a grant equivalent to all or part of the municipal portion of tax increase.


Applicants must be developers that redevelop brownfield sites.

Applications Steps:

Application steps:

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must submit with their application:

  1. rehabilitation plan/budget and work plan;
  2. Site Plan and or floor plans for renovation/rehabilitation;
  3. estimate of site conditions and costs of remediation (from a qualified environmental consultant);
  4. evidence of suspected/potential site impairment or actual (evidenced) environmental contamination, as evidenced by existing ESA’s, on the property (please attach available reports/documentation – e.g. Phase I ESA and greater, if available;
  5. a Letter of Authorization from the registered owners indicating support for the subject Applicant(s) to proceed accordingly, if the Applicant(s) are not the registered owners of the property subject to this Brownfields Program Application.

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