City of Toronto – Toronto Heritage Property Tax Rebate Program
The Heritage Tax Rebate Program offers rebates to eligible heritage properties to provide matching funds for eligible conservation work.
Comments on Funding:
Funding is a tax rebate. The provincial government shares the cost of the rebates with the City according to the education portion of the property taxes.
Applicants must:
- If designated individually (under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act), the property must be subject to a Heritage Easement Agreement, or the property owner must be willing to enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement for the purposes of the Heritage Property Tax Rebate Program.
- If designated within a Heritage Conservation District (under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act) the property must be identified as contributing to the District and must be subject to a Maintenance and Conservation Agreement, or the property owner must be willing to enter into a Maintenance and Conservation Agreement for the purposes of the Heritage Property Tax Rebate Program.
Additional criteria for properties that are part of a development application: Applicants may be required to submit drawings if a Toronto Heritage Property Tax Rebate Project Proposal is submitted within one year of an application related to development, interior or exterior structural alterations, or any alterations affecting the structure or gross floor area of an eligible heritage property. Drawings must be prepared by a heritage architect and clearly indicate that:
- 50% of the current gross floor area related to or supporting the heritage values and attributes of the property will be retained;
- 50% of the current exterior walls, plus all façades facing a right of way or open space, will be retained as exterior walls.
Applications Steps:
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must submit:
- a Toronto Heritage Property Tax Rebate Project Proposal. Project Proposals may include work to be completed over multiple years and may be submitted at any time prior to the due date.
- a Toronto Heritage Property Tax Rebate Application to Heritage Planning, documenting completed work and expenses.
Other Things to Note:
“We are in the process of updating our application forms. To receive a form and more information, contact Pourya Nazemi, Heritage Planner, at 416-338-5702 or”
Previous Rebate Application was due on August 31, 2022. Applicants should check their website for updates.
Program Contact:
When It Ends:
Closed for 2021
Next deadlines to be determined