FACTOR – Marketing and Promotion for Non- FACTOR-Funded Sound Recordings – Tour Support
Funding under the Tour Support component assists Canadian artists by subsidizing a portion of the cost of touring in Canada and abroad.
Comments on Funding:
Funding under this component is 75% of the total eligible budget or the lesser of a. the approved offer or b. the final subsidy calculation plus administration fee.
Funding under the MPN program is a grant of up to $20,000, plus up to $5,000 in the Radio Marketing component.
Recipient Accessibility Support Fund: FACTOR grant recipients are eligible for top-up support to their project funding of up to $5,000 each fiscal year, not to exceed $5,000 per project for costs related to accessibility. Eligible costs claimed under this fund will be reimbursed at 100%.
Non-Canadian music companies, including major labels, are not eligible to apply.
Applications Steps:
Applicants must:
create a user profile on the FACTOR application platform;
create an applicant profile (of the individual, partnership, or corporation that will enter into a general agreement with FACTOR if funding is offered);
create an artist profile (an artist profile provides FACTOR with a snapshot of the artist’s music career thus far. This helps FACTOR determine artist profile ratings and program eligibility);
create a project and choose the project components;
fill and validate the application.
Documentation Needed:
a) Submit proof of performance that each performance took place and was performed as contracted. As proof ofperformance, FACTOR will accept a copy of the promoter’s settlement sheet or the booking agency’s finalstatement. These must indicate the date, city and venue and indicate the final payment received. Touritineraries, posters and print ads will not be accepted as proof of performance; however, FACTOR may acceptticket stubs or media reviews on a case-by- case basis; and
b) If there is a change of personnel, you must indicate those changes in the Eligible Travelers tables in the Component Information section of your Completion and provide an explanation of the changes in the“variance” box within that section. You must also submit corresponding deal memos for any new eligible travelers.
Other Things to Note:
1. Applicants are obligated as a condition of funding to include the appropriate logos and acknowledgment in all materials created in a FACTOR-funded project. Please review the Logo and Acknowledgment Guide for specific instructions. Remember, the failure to provide appropriate logos and acknowledgment could result in a loss of some or all your funding.
2. Program guidelines for 2022-2023 were published in April 2022.

Program Contact:
Marketing and Promotion for Non-FACTOR-Funded Sound Recordings
When It Ends:
Rolling deadline