Métis Nation of Ontario – Métis Wage Subsidy Program


MNO’s Métis Wage Subsidy Program is designed to help Métis individuals secure long-term employment through direct work experience opportunities by encouraging employers to hire Métis apprentices and other workers and provide on-the-job experience.

Comments on Funding:

The length of the subsidy is to be determined based on need and availability of funding to a maximum of six months (26 weeks). Special circumstances may be considered to a maximum of 1 year (52 weeks).


The employer applicant must be:

  • a Métis Chartered Community Council;
  • a for-profit organization including partnerships, sole proprietorships, and self-employed persons;
  • an Indigenous organization;
  • a government Institution;
  • a non-profit group or organization.

An aspiring employee applicant must:

  • be a Métis;
  • be underemployed or under-employment;
  • be at risk of losing employment due to:
    a) Labour Market Changes;
    b) Insufficient employment skills; or
    c) Insufficient certification.
  • not be an existing employee of the participating employer.
  • not displace or replace existing employees or volunteers, employees on layoff, employees absent due to a labour management dispute, employees on vacation, or interfere with a collective agreement.

An eligible position must offer:

  • On-the-Job training must relate directly to employment goals and must meet the needs of both the client and the industry or labour market;
  • Clients must access training through the MNOET intake and assessment process;
  • Employer must provide a completed wage subsidy proposal;
  • Client must work, ideally, a minimum of 20 hours a week;
  • Subsidy rate is negotiated.

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