Agricorp Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program (2022)


The Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program is for Ontario farm businesses that gross $7,000 or more in annual farm income. Under this program, the farmland is taxed at no more than 25% of the municipality’s residential property tax rate and the farm residence and one acre of land surrounding it continue to be taxed at the municipality’s residential tax rate.

Comments on Funding:

The subsidy is a reduced tax for the applicant’s farmland (no more than 25% of the municipality’s residential property tax rate).


Applicants must:

  • have their property assessed as farmland by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). MPAC classifies the applicant’s property based on requirements set by the Government of Ontario through the Assessment Act. MPAC completes a province-wide assessment every four years, with notices sent to all property owners.
  • use their property for a farm business that generates an annual gross farm income of at least $7,000,
  • have a valid FBR number. Ontario farm businesses that gross $7,000 or more in annual farm income are required by law to register their businesses with Agricorp each year under the Farm Business Registration (FBR) program.
  • farm a property that is owned by Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.

Applications Steps:

How it works:


Your municipality applies the farm property class tax rate to your property tax bill for the next calendar year.


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