Career Launcher Clean Tech Internships (2022)


Career-Launcher Clean Tech Internships are a wage subsidy offered to employers who hire an intern for 6 to 11 months in a full-time position related to the use or development of clean tech.

Comments on Funding:

Funding of up to $30,000 is available for an intern’s salary, training and wrap-around service costs. Up to $5,000 can be used for intern training and wrap-around service costs during the internship, and up to $25,000 can cover up to 80% of the intern’s salary.

Reimbursement will be dispersed midway and at the end of the internship when the required documentation, including intern paystubs, is submitted.


The applicant must:

  • have an established payroll system and be set up to receive payments by direct deposit, and have a process for supervising and mentoring interns,
  • Be a Canadian company or subsidiary,
  • Be a post-secondary education institution,
  • be an indigenous organization (including band councils, tribal councils and self-government entities)
  • Be a SME (less than 500 employees) or a large corporation (more than 500 employees),
  • Be a non-government organization (NGO),
  • Be a not-for-profit organization,
  • Be a municipal, local provincial or territorial government, institution, agency or Crown corporation.

The intern must:

  • be a post-secondary graduate
  • be between the ages of 15-30 (inclusive) at the start of the internship,
  • Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or person granted refugee status in Canada,
  • Be legally allowed to work according to the relevant provincial and Canadian legislation and regulations
  • be available to work for at least six months;
  • not be a previous participant of a Science Horizon Internship
  • be a new employee (Not employees of the hiring employer prior to the start of their internship (does not apply to previous coop students or student interns, although this must be clearly indicated by the employer).

Other Things to Note:

  1. Applications are no longer being accepted. All subsidies for this year’s Clean Tech Internships have been fully allocated. We hope to renew this program in spring of 2023;
  2. Funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada as part of their Science Horizons Youth Internship Program creating employment opportunities for youth to build the green workforce and contribute to economic growth in environmental and clean technology sectors.
  3. CICan Internships are funded by the Government of Canada as part of the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy.



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    Martyna Tomczynski

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