MiHR Gearing Up – Student Work Placement Program (2022)


Gearing Up provides wage subsidies of up to $7,500 to mining employers who create new work-integrated learning (WIL) opportunities for students.

Gearing Up helps students develop skills and experience through WIL – aiding in their transition to long-term employment in the mining sector or the pursuit of advanced studies upon graduation. While Gearing Up is open to any eligible student, the program also encourages participation by underrepresented groups such as women in STEM, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, recent immigrants, first year students, and visible minorities.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is up to $7,000, representing 70% of a participant’s compensation for WIL participants from under-represented groups (women in STEM, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, recent immigrants, first year students, and visible minorities).
An employer is eligible to receive a maximum amount of $5,000 representing 50% of a participant’s compensation for all other WIL participants.


Eigibility requirements for employers:

  • Canadian-owned or a Canadian subsidiaries;
  • small, medium, or large companies involved in the mining or mineral exploration sector;
  • not-for-profit organization.
    Please note that effective May 1, 2022, post-secondary education (PSE) institutions are no longer eligible employers.

Eligibility requirements for participants:

  • be registered in a full-time or part-time post-secondary program;
  • be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or person with refugee protection given under the law;
  • be legally able to work in Canada according to the laws and regulations of the province or territory where they live;
  • be studying in fields related to science, technology, engineering, mathematics and/or business.
    International students are not eligible participants under the Gearing Up wage subsidy program.

Applications Steps:

Documentation Needed:


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    Application (Phase I): To support their application, employers must provide:

    • Employer and organizational contact information;
    • Job title and work terms for the student placement;
    • Attestation of their organization’s net new placements;
    • Calculation of net new placement:

    a) Year their organization first participated in the SWP Program;
    b) Number of placements in the year prior to participating in the SWP Program (baseline);
    c) Number of placements the organization intends to hire this fiscal year The difference between the number of placements is their net new.

    Application (Phase II): If accepted in Phase 1, the employers must submit:

    • Signed employer agreement including:
      a) Appendix A: Employer work integrated learning work opportunity costs;
      b) Appendix B: Description of approved work integrated learning opportunity, term and payment schedule.
    • Signed participant information form (PIF).

    Invoicing: The employers must submit the following documentation:

    • Direct Deposit Form;
    • Participant Earnings Statement and/or Record of Employment;
    • Invoice including the following:
      a) Total compensation (salary/wage, and applicable Mandatory Employment Related Costs (MERC) and benefits) paid to the participant;
      b) Period/term of the WIL opportunity;
      c) Total other external funding amount(s) and source(s).

    Other Things to Note:

    Employers are invited to submit applications on an ongoing basis within MiHR’s fiscal year (April – March 31). Employers with active placements at MiHR’s fiscal year end will be required to provide MiHR with a reconciliation of placement funds expended to March 31.

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