CanExport SMEs: Quick Program Guide for Entrepreneurs


CanExport SMEs provides financial support to Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises to help them develop export opportunities for their product or service in new international markets.

Comments on Funding:

CanExport SMEs has changed its cost-sharing formula to 50:50. The program now funds up to 50% of eligible costs for $10,000 to $50,000 in funding per project. The applicant is responsible for the remaining 50% of eligible project costs (in-kind contributions are not permitted).

Canadian government assistance must not exceed 75%.

When It Ends:

Intake reopens on January 10, 2022


Next deadlines to be announced.


Applicants must:

  • be for-profit,
  • be an incorporated legal entity or a limited liability partnership (LLP),
  • have a Canada Revenue Agency business number (Companies that do not have a CRA business number because they are registered on First Nations reserve lands may write to,
  • employ no more than 500 full-time equivalent employees,
  • declare between $100K and $100M in annual revenue in Canada during the last complete tax reporting year (or during the last 12 months for monthly and quarterly filers).

CanExport SMEs is open to all industry sectors.

Applications Steps:

Documentation Needed:

Applicants might be asked to provide:

  1. copies of their company’s financial statements, or
  2. any other supporting document in order to validate the information provided in the application.

Other Things to Note:

Both the CanExport SMEs and CanExport Innovation programs initiated an administrative pause on October 18, 2022 . The programs will not be accepting applications for fiscal year 2022-23 after this time and are not yet open for fiscal year 2023-24. Please visit program’s web page for details on when the programs will resume.

Program Contact:


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    CanExport SMEs

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