Enbridge Gas – New Construction: Savings by Design Residential


The Savings by Design Residential program gives production builders free access to industry experts, energy modelling and financial incentives to help them build high-performance sustainable homes. This program has two components: Integrated Design Process (IDP) and Energy Performance Incentives.

Comments on Funding:

Receive incentives of up to $100,000* in post-construction for homes that meet or exceed 20% better energy efficiency than the Ontario Building Code:

  • $2,000/home, up to 50 homes (1st time participant);
  • $1,000/home, up to 100 homes (2nd time participant); and
  • $500/home, up to 200 homes (3rd time participant).
  • HST is not applicable and will not be added to incentive payments.


Applicants (production builders) must:

  • be located in the Enbridge Gas Inc. (Operating as Enbridge Gas Distribution) service area;
  • have projects, including 50 or more low-rise housing units (i.e. units that fall under Part 9 of the Ontario Building Code):
    a) single-family homes;
    b) row houses;
    c) townhomes/stacked towns;
    d) multi-family buildings three storeys and under.
  • ensure that the project includes natural gas as one of the primary fuel sources in the final design;
  • successfully complete both components of the Program, including designing and constructing residential homes in Enbridge Gas service areas which exceed 20 percent of the 2017 OBC’s energy performance requirements by no later than three (3) years from the date of Integrated Design Process (IDP).

Please note that individual homebuyers are not eligible to participate in the Savings by Design Residential program. Existing homeowners wishing to access free upgrades and rebates may do so through Enbridge Gas’ rebates and energy Conservation program for residential gas customers.

Program Contact:


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    Savings By Design: Residential Program | Enbridge Gas

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